
DRDH Celebrates One Year of Digital Patient Experience Survey


Deep River and District Health (DRDH) is pleased to mark one year of our digital patient survey for the Deep River and District Hospital, a testament to our commitment to innovation and modernization. This achievement highlights DRDH’s dedication to using advanced technology to improve care for our community.

In partnership with 73 hospitals across the province, including The Ottawa Hospital and our Epic partners in the Atlas Alliance, DRDH was among the first to adopt this new fully-digital patient experience survey. Since its launch on July 6, 2023, this modern tool has provided patients with a confidential, anonymous, and secure way to offer feedback, allowing us to continuously improve our care and services.

With the collaboration of Qualtrics XM, patients seen in the hospital’s Emergency Department and Medical Inpatient Unit receive an email following their visit with a direct link to the survey. This transition from previous paper-based surveys has resulted in nearly 1,500 responses within the past year, a significant increase that underscores the user-friendly nature of the digital format.

The feedback received has been overwhelmingly positive. A remarkable 97% of patients indicated they would recommend the Emergency Department to family and friends, showcasing the excellent, compassionate care provided. In the Medical Inpatient Unit, 88% of patients would recommend our services to loved ones requiring admission, reflecting the high quality of care and comfort we strive to maintain.

Patients also praised DRDH’s person-centered approach, with 97% of those who visited the Emergency Department and 92% of those who were admitted to the Medical Inpatient Unit feeling they were treated with courtesy and respect by our dedicated nurses and physicians. This feedback underscores the compassionate and respectful environment our teams cultivate daily.

One patient shared, “My experience in the Deep River and District Hospital far exceeds any others. I have nothing but high praise and satisfaction from my experience.” Another patient echoed this sentiment, saying, "All the staff were very professional, polite, and treated me as a person. I would not hesitate to come to DRDH if required, as the care is exceptional."

Family members have also expressed deep gratitude for the care provided to their loved ones. One family member noted, "Without the amazing nursing staff, [my family member] would not be here today. Our community is so fortunate to have an incredible team of health professionals.”

Our Diagnostic Imaging services received a 90% satisfaction rate, and the Eastern Ontario Regional Laboratory Association (EORLA) Laboratory services at the hospital achieved an 88% satisfaction rate, reflecting the dedication of our diagnostic teams in providing accurate and timely results.

Additionally, 84% of Emergency Department patients were triaged by a nurse within 15 minutes of arrival, showcasing our commitment to efficient and responsive care.


"These outstanding survey results reflect the dedication of our Emergency Department and Medical Inpatient teams in delivering excellent, person-centered care," said Janna Hotson, President and CEO of DRDH. “By embracing this innovative digital survey tool, we have not only enhanced the way we gather patient feedback but also demonstrated our commitment to driving modernization forward across our health campus. We are incredibly proud of the positive feedback we’ve heard from our patients, and it serves as a powerful motivation to improve and enhance our services further. We extend our heartfelt thanks to our patients for their invaluable input."

As we celebrate this anniversary, DRDH remains committed to seeking feedback from patients and residents across the organization to ensure the delivery of an excellent, compassionate care experience, every time.


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