Board of Directors

Deep River and District Health is governed by a voluntary Board of Directors. There are currently ten elected and four appointed members.


The Board generally meets the third or fourth Wednesday of each month except July, and August. Meetings are held at Deep River and District Health, at an offsite location, or virtually, beginning at 6:30 p.m.


Everyone is welcome to attend the open portion of the agenda of the regularly-scheduled Board of Directors Meetings. 


Click here to view the 2023-2024 Board and Committee Meeting Schedule 


Join the Board 

The DRDH Board of Directors is responsible for governance of the multi-sector organization and guiding its exciting future within the health system. The campus of care at DRDH is expanding, innovating, and modernizing, and the Board of Directors provides guidance and direction to meet the growing needs of our communities.

The Board of Directors provides crucial oversight for setting the organization’s mission and strategic direction, and supports the advancement of strategic goals. Within a skills-based Board, DRDH strives for the composition of the Board to reflect the diversity of the communities served.

Serving as a Director of a healthcare Board can be an incredibly meaningful and rewarding experience for those looking to contribute to their community. Directors are elected for three-year terms and Patient / Resident Representatives are appointed annually to participate in standing Committees. All Committees of the Board generally meet quarterly or at the call of the Chair, and the Board typically meets monthly – except for July and August.

Join the Board to help ensure DRDH achieves its vision of an excellent, compassionate care experience, every time. Applicants are invited to bring their skills, experience, and enthusiasm to serve on the Board of Directors or a standing Committee by submitting an application, which is available by clicking here or by calling 613-584-3333 ext 7100. Kindly submit applications to Kelsea Madore (kmadore@drdh.org) before April 15 each year.


Board Members

  • David Cox, Chair
  • John Osborne, Vice Chair
  • Christian Kaiser, Vice Chair
  • Douglas Tennant
  • Elizabeth Burke
  • Ted Chiasson
  • Claudia Beswick
  • Beckie Kenrick
  • Desiree Quenneville
  • Kylia Smith
  • Johnathan Siery
  • Dr. Michael Sage, Chief of Staff (non-voting)
  • Dr. Hanene Ben Amor, President, Medical Staff (non-voting)
  • Janna Hotson, Chief Executive Officer (non-voting)
  • Chief Nursing Executive (non-voting)

Board Committees

Click on each Committee title to read the Terms of Reference

Community Health Partners Group Terms of Reference 

Fiscal Advisory Committee Terms of Reference

Governance Committee Terms of Reference

Long-Term Care Development Committee 

Medical Recruitment Team Terms of Reference 

Nominating Committee Terms of Reference
Patient and Family Advisory Council Committee Terms of Reference
Quality, Risk, and Safety Committee Terms of Reference
Resource and Audit Committee Terms of Reference

Strategic Planning and Relationships Committee Terms of Reference