Services Summary
The Laboratory at Deep River and District Health is part of the Eastern Ontario Regional Laboratory Association.
All outpatient samples collected are referred to Dynacare for processing. Dynacare will provide your ordering primary care provider with the completed report, our lab cannot obtain those results.
Dynacare also offers a portal for patients to get fast access to their lab results, called Dynacare Plus. Ask the lab staff for more information about how to sign up, or visit Please note that results from outpatient laboratory tests do not go to MyChart.
Our lab can complete the collection for most tests on site. However, there are some tests which we will need to refer you to another collection site.
Patients must show a valid provincial health card as well as a signed requisition from a registered clinician for any laboratory tests. Results will be sent directly to the ordering clinician’s office, either by courier, mail or fax. Results cannot be given directly to you or to another physician, unless we receive written instructions to do so.
Containers are available through the laboratory for specialized tests.
Walk-In Patients and Hours of Operation

Walk-in patients who have a requisition for blood work from a registered clinician may come to the laboratory from Monday to Friday, between the hours of 7:30 am and 12:00 pm.
Please note: Staff may be required to perform urgent work in the Emergency Department or on the Medical Unit, which could result in a short delay at your appointment time.
Sample Drop-Off
Samples may be dropped off from Monday to Friday, between the hours of 7:30 am to 12:00 pm.
No samples will be accepted outside of these collection times.
Special Requirements
A number of tests require you to be fasting - no food or drink except water for 12 hours and this should be discussed with you by your ordering physician or practitioner. For therapeutic drug level testing - to accurately monitor drug levels, do not take your morning dose until the specimen is drawn. Glucose Tolerance Tests require you to ingest a predetermined amount of glucose followed by a venipuncture either 1 or 2 hours later. You will be required to remain in the lab waiting area for the duration of the testing period.