
DRDH Seeks Dedicated Individuals to Join the Board of Directors and Committees


Deep River and District Health (DRDH) is seeking candidates to serve on its Board of Directors and Patient / Resident Representatives to participate in standing committees.


The DRDH Board of Directors is responsible for governance of the multi-sector organization, which is comprised of the Deep River and District Hospital, the Four Seasons Lodge Long-Term Care Home, and the North Renfrew Family Health Team, and guiding its exciting future within the health system. The campus of care at DRDH is expanding, innovating, and modernizing, and the Board of Directors is looking for new volunteers to provide guidance and direction to meet the growing needs of our communities.


The Board of Directors provides crucial oversight for setting the organization’s mission and strategic direction, and supports the advancement of strategic goals. DRDH strives to promote and embody the values of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. Within a skills-based board, DRDH endeavours for the composition of the board to reflect the diversity of the communities served, and encourages interested candidates of all backgrounds and abilities to apply.


Directors are elected to serve for three-year terms and Patient / Resident Representatives are appointed annually to participate in standing committees. The Board of Directors typically meet monthly, except for July and August, and all standing committees of the board generally meet quarterly or at the call of the Chair.


Serving as a volunteer on a healthcare board can be an incredibly meaningful and rewarding experience for those eager to make a positive impact on their community. Candidates are invited to offer their skills, experience, and enthusiasm as volunteers to ensure DRDH continues to care for every person like a loved one.


Join the board to help ensure DRDH realizes its vision of an excellent, compassionate care experience, every time. Prospective candidates interested in serving on the Board of Directors or as a Patient / Resident Representative on a standing committee are invited to submit their applications by
April 15, 2024. Application forms are available by clicking here
 or by contacting Kelsea Madore at kmadore@drdh.org or 613-584-3333 ext 7100.


Join the board graphic