
Join Us in Capturing History: Time-Lapse Photo Stations Installed at DRDH


Deep River and District Health (DRDH) is excited to invite our community to join us in capturing history with the installation of time-lapse photo stations across our health campus.

These stations offer a unique opportunity for everyone to snap a photo and participate in documenting the construction of our two new buildings – our new Primary Care Building and our new Four Seasons Lodge Long-Term Care Home. The stations invite anyone to use their mobile device to take and submit a photo, contributing to a dynamic time-lapse that showcases the development of these new buildings from the ground up. This is your chance to be part of our exciting journey and witness the transformation of our health campus in real-time!

The first time-lapse photo station, now installed adjacent to our helipad, focuses on our new Primary Care Building at the front of the organization. Soon, additional stations will be set up to capture the progress of our new Four Seasons Lodge Long-Term Care Home as well.

How You Can Participate:

  1. Visit our health campus and locate the time-lapse photo station(s).
  2. Use the station to take a photo of the construction progress using your mobile device, following directions provided on the sign.
  3. Email your photo to upload@chronolog.io with the subject line indicated on the sign.
Your photos will be automatically added to our live time-lapse, creating a vibrant visual history of our new buildings. Together, we can document these milestones and celebrate our health campus’s growth and evolution. See the Primary Care Building time-lapse live at https://www.chronolog.io/site/DRD101.

“We are incredibly eager about this project and can’t wait to see our community’s involvement,” said Janna Hotson, DRDH President and CEO. “The time-lapse photo stations are a fantastic way for everyone to contribute to and celebrate these important milestones with us.”

Join us in capturing history! Come by, snap a photo, and be part of the journey as we build a healthier future for our community.


photo of time-lapse photo station in use at DRDH